Attendance Policy
All students:
- Pupils shall be punctual and regular in attendance and shall obey all rules and regulations of the school.
- Absence due to illness or a health condition, approved pre-arranged activities, school sponsored activities, or emergency situations shall be excused.
- If an absence is excused, the student is responsible for obtaining and making up work missed or doing other work that will be accepted in lieu of work missed. In P.E. classes, teachers require 30 minutes physical activity per excused absence. One day is allowed for each day of excused absence to make up work.
- Attendance letters and possible parent meetings will be sent after 3 unexcused absences in a month, 5 unexcused absences in a semester or 15% excused or excused abscesses from the current semester.
The Finley School District and River View High School are working diligently to strongly encourage our students to attend class on a regular basis and in a timely manner.
Excused Absences – Class Work May be Made Up for Credit
- An unexcused absence may be changed to excused with a parent excuse and administration approval. An unexcused absence reverts to a truancy after 2 days. If a student has violated the closed campus rule, however, the absence will be a truancy and may not be changed to excused; therefore, the work may not be made up.
- Illness or health condition, verified by a parent or guardian will be excused. For extended or frequent illness, the building Principal may require a doctor’s statement. Medical statements will count in the absence total and work must be made up.
- Activities scheduled by parent or emergency situations excused by parent. Pre-arranged absences must be approved by the building administration at least one day in advance of absence. As stated above, however, the school may refuse acceptance of parent excused absences if they demonstrate a pattern of exclusion from school, or the excuses provided to the school are not valid.
- School approved activities scheduled by the school are excused and in most cases these absences will not count in the absence total. Example – missing class for an athletic trip or field trip; work must be made up, however. Teachers and advisors will advise whether or not the absence counts in absence total.
Unexcused Absences – Class Work May Not be Made Up for Credit.
An unexcused absence is any absence which is not included under excused absences above. No credit will be given by a teacher for work assigned and/or turned in on a day when a student is absent and unexcused. Students must change an unexcused absence to an excused absence before he or she can turn in make-up work. Unexcused absences must be changed to excused within two (2) days of the unexcused absence or the unexcused absence will revert to truancy.
Tardies will be dealt with according to the RVHS ATTENDANCE POLICY:
- Tardies will be marked throughout the school day. Excessive tardies will result in lunch detention and continued issues could result in behavior contracts and parent meetings.
- All students are expected to be in their assigned classrooms when the tardy bell rings. Students are expected to be prompt in meeting their
obligations and responsibilities.
- Ten (10) minutes into a class period a tardy becomes an absence in the teacher’s roll book and in office records.
- Tardies accumulate throughout each semester and a new count begins with each new semester.
- Tardy consequences begin after the 3rd tardy and can be given for each additional tardy.
- Truancy is an unexcused absence - class work may not be made up for credit. Truancies include leaving school or being in a location without permission from staff or being properly signed out by a parent.
- If a student is truant, parents will be contacted and the student may be assigned to After School Detention or other disciplinary action.
- Truancies resulting from violation of the Closed Campus Policy may not be changed to excused and work may not be made up for credit.
Make-Up Work
Students will have one (1) day to complete make-up work for each day of excused absence.
Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities
A student must attend school at least one-half (1/2) day to participate in practice or a game in a sport or to attend any extra-curricular activity that day, either after-school or evening. One-half day means a student must be present for three (3) periods. If unexcused for any portion of the day, the student shall not be allowed to participate. A student who is suspended from school may not participate in extra-curricular activities during the suspension.
Students are expected to be in class by the time the bell rings. For purposes of this policy, a student more than ten (10) minutes late for class is recorded by the teacher as absent. (See Tardy Policy Section for more detail.)