Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use/Abuse Program

Actions taken by staff in dealing with student use/abuse of controlled substances, dangerous drugs, alcohol, tobacco and nicotine products and delivery devices will have as their first concern the welfare of the student involved and the other students in the school. Although a helping relationship rather than an investigative and punitive approach will be emphasized, necessary and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken when laws or school regulations are violated. Law enforcement agencies will be called upon for investigative and consultative assistance where illegal drug or alcohol activity has occurred. Washington State law makes it illegal for students to purchase, possess or use tobacco products of any kind. Violations will also be sent to the prosecuting attorney's office on a JCR (Juvenile Contract Report).


If a student appears at school or at a school-sponsored function demonstrating behavior which indicates that he/she may be under the influence of a drug and/or admits to an administrator that he/she is under the influence of a drug, the school will take the following action:

  1. Administrators may test for alcohol or THC use with a sensitive test strip if there is reasonable suspicion that the student is under the influence of alcohol or THC. A student testing positive may be turned over to the Benton County Sheriff. A student who refuses to be tested will be held for examination by the sheriff.
  2. The parents will be notified to arrange for appropriate treatment.
  3. If the student’s illegal use of a drug is confirmed, the school administration may request the assistance of an enforcement official in investigating the source of the drug.
  4. Appropriate school disciplinary action will be taken under the discipline policy. In addition, a drug assessment will be required. Failure to follow the recommendations of the assessment may lead to long term suspension or expulsion.
  5. The school may use a hand held metal detector to assist in the search of a student under reasonable suspicion of having a device in their possession. Refusal of search may result in a consequence that matches the original offense of possession.

If school authorities find a student in possession of illegal drugs at school, the drugs will be confiscated and turned over to law enforcement officials for investigation and disposal. Appropriate school disciplinary action will be taken by a school administrator regardless of law enforcement action.

If a school administrator receives information concerning illegal alcohol or drug sales or use outside of school, the information will be reported to law enforcement officials for their investigation. A school investigation will be undertaken if it is indicated that students involved in extracurricular activities are involved.