Student Handbook

The following topics and information can be found in our Student Handbook.

Download the 2024-2025 RVHS Student Handbook

ASB & Activities

ASB Interscholastic Activities Code

ASB Associated Student Body

The A.S.B. is the student organization that coordinates (with the Principal, Mr. Davis; the Vice Principal/Athletic Director, Mr. Helms; and the A.S.B. Advisor, Mr. McLaughlin) all student activities such as clubs, assemblies and athletics.

The A.S.B. card is very valuable to students. It covers such things as admission to all home games, except tournaments, and many other school activities. It also helps generate revenues needed to fund our activity/athletic program. The cost of the card is established annually. The cost of an A.S.B. card for high school students is $45.

Elections for class and A.S.B. officers are conducted each spring. Candidates must pick up petitions from the office that are then signed by A.S.B. members to file for an office. Filing is not official until all eligibility checks have been made and the candidate has been deemed eligible according to the A.S.B. Constitution and By-Laws.


Our high school annual, THE PANTHER, is published each year. It includes pictures of students, faculty, activities, athletics and other events from the school year. To reserve an annual, students must pay the full amount. The price of the annual is $50. They are handed out in the spring of each year.

Senior Picture Policy For The Annual: Seniors are encouraged to turn in a photograph for the Senior Section of the annual. Remember that YOU are the person who is graduating. No other people are allowed in your picture. Full body shots are not recommended and may be returned if we are unable to identify you from the picture you submit. A head/shoulder shot is best because we must be able to clearly see your face. Props (trees, hats, riding gear – but not an animal, sports gear, etc.) may be used as long as your face is clearly visible. Photos submitted may be cropped as necessary at the discretion of the Annual Staff and Advisor. However, any item which would be banned by the school’s codes printed in this handbook will not be printed in the Annual (drugs, 5 alcohol, tobacco, weapons, pornography, etc.). Seniors are also asked to turn in baby pictures for the Senior Section. Both the senior picture and baby picture are due to Mr. McLaughlin by January 31, 2025.

Classes & Clubs

Classes (seniors, juniors, sophomores and freshmen) have occasional meetings to set up activities and discuss and vote on matters affecting the class members. During football, wrestling and basketball seasons, each high school class has opportunities to raise funds by selling concessions and sponsoring after-game dances. All such activities must be approved, in advance, by the Vice Principal/Athletic Director, Mr. Helms. This will avoid duplication of effort or conflict of interests.

Clubs have meetings as needed and are open to those who are interested and who are members of the A.S.B. Any new clubs must get approval from the Principal and A.S.B. Council to be recognized. Clubs currently existing are:
Club Name Advisor
Buddy Club Mrs. Anderson
Drama Club Ms. See
FCA  Mr. Curbow 
FFA (National FFA Organization) Mrs. Yochum & Mr. Bush
FCCLA (Family, Career & Community Leaders of America) Mrs. Ward
Honor Society Mr. Curbow
SADD Mrs. Duty
The payment for any items purchased by a club without prior written approval shall be the individual responsibility of the person making the purchase.

The A.S.B. Advisor and the A.S.B. Central Treasurer are available to assist club officers with their group’s financial affairs. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Dances / Activities

Students attending school dances will not be allowed to leave and return unless permission is given by the person in charge of that activity. Students participating in or attending school activities at night must be in school for one-half (1/2) day on the day of the activity, unless the absence is a result of participation in a school-sponsored activity. 

REMEMBER: All school rules and policies are in force at any school activity.

Dances are for River View High school students and their guests. The following rules and regulations will be enforced at dances:

  1. Guests must complete a GUEST CONTRACT and have it signed by the Principal by the Friday PRIOR TO the date of the dance. Guests will not obtain authorization to attend if they are 21 years old or older.
  2. All dances will be from 7:00 – 10:00 except for Prom which will close at 11:00.
  3. High School students MAY NOT attend Middle School dances and Middle School students MAY NOT attend High School dances.
  4. "Dirty dancing" WILL NOT be allowed at school dances. Students must dance in a safe and appropriate manner; i.e., face-to-face with space in-between. Students in violation will be asked to leave the dance - no warning - no refund. Said individuals may also forfeit the privilege of attending the next dance at RVHS. Violation of rules may result in other disciplinary action as well.

Academic Information

Alternative Learning Experience

Information about Panther Alternative School, correspondence courses and independent study can be obtained from the office staff. Independent study classes require individual contracts signed by parent, student, counselor and principal.



The following grading standards will be utilized: A, B, C, D, F and Incomplete.

 Grade GPA
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
F 0.0

A student will have two (2) weeks to make up an incomplete semester or quarter grade, unless additional time is granted by the Principal. Since individual teachers use different systems, i.e., points, percentages, curves, etc., questions about grades should be directed to the teachers. Each teacher will explain the grading system and criteria for the class at the beginning of each semester.

Honor Roll

To be on the Honor Roll, a student must have at least a 3.0 average not including teacher aide grades. A student cannot have any F’s on the report card and be on the Honor Roll, no matter what G.P.A. is earned. Students earning a 3.7 G.P.A. or above will be on the Principal’s List. Students who receive all A’s (4.0) will receive special recognition. In order to be eligible for the Honor Roll, a student must be taking at least five (5) graded classes.

  • Incentives will be provided to students who maintain C’s and higher in all classes at grading report periods

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Qualifications

Equivalency Credit

Under special circumstances equivalency credit may be granted to an individual for completion of a Tri-Tech course that fulfills all obligations of an elective or a required course of study. The course of study must be contained on a prior approved list of equivalency credits published by Tri-Tech. The following limitations apply at Tri-Tech:

  • Enrollment is required for two (2) consecutive semesters
  • Equivalency credit is granted only through advance application
  • The application must be approved by parents, Tri-Tech and the RVHS Principal and Counselor
  • Students who have reductions in credit will not receive equivalency credit
  • It is possible to pass the course but not complete the equivalency credit

Expectations & Rules

Attendance Policy


Students are expected to conduct themselves honestly and with integrity in their work. All forms of cheating and plagiarism are prohibited, including the use of electronics to share/disseminate information or the use of apps to complete work assignments. Behavior that is unacceptable includes, but is not limited to:

  • copying another student's homework;
  • using AI software, apps, or websites to complete assignments and essays;
  • working with others on projects that are meant to be done individually;
  • looking at or copying another student's test or quiz answers;
  • allowing another student to look at or copy answers from your test or quiz;
  • using any other method to get/give test or quiz answers;
  • taking a test or quiz in part or in whole to use or to give others;
  • copying information from a source without proper attribution; and
  • taking papers from other students, publications, or the Internet.

Violators of this policy will be disciplined on a case-by-case basis depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations, and other factors. Disciplinary measures include, but are not limited to: redoing assignment/retaking test, receiving a failing grade on the project/test, receiving a lower overall grade in the class, detention, suspension, or expulsion.


Each teacher is responsible for the conduct of students in his/her room and will have classroom regulations relating to student welfare and responsibilities as well as a classroom syllabus. Each teacher will, at the beginning of each semester, review classroom rules and procedures with all class members.

Closed Campus

River View High School is a closed campus school. This means that students must remain on campus during the entire school day from the time they arrive at school until the end of their last class. A student may leave campus for an appointment or activity only with parent/guardian permission AND ONLY AFTER SIGNING OUT IN THE OFFICE. A student must sign into the office upon returning to school the same day.

Students should be on campus only when they have a scheduled class or activity, i.e., students with an unscheduled 1st period should not report to school until 2nd period; students with an unscheduled 6th period should leave campus after 5th. Tri-Tech students who miss the bus should not remain on the RVHS campus. LEAVING CAMPUS WITHOUT SCHOOL PERMISSION DURING A SCHEDULED PERIOD WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS A TRUANCY.

Students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch. At lunch the high school students are allowed in the area south of the walkway along the high school building to the fence and all areas west to the parking lot. The following areas are off limits to high school students during lunch:

  1. East end of high school.
  2. The area between the middle school and high school is reserved for the middle school.
  3. The football field, high school softball fields and both front and back parking lots.
  4. The principal, at his discretion, may restrict areas based on student behavior.

Cyber Stalking (Cyber Bullying)

  1. A person is guilty of cyber stalking if he or she, with intent to harass, intimidate, torment, or embarrass any other person, and under circumstances not constituting telephone harassment, makes an electronic communication to such other person or a third party:
    1. Using any lewd, lascivious, indecent, or obscene words, images, or language, or suggesting the commission of any lewd or lascivious act;
    2. Anonymously or repeatedly whether or not conversation occurs; or
    3. Threatening to inflict injury on the person or property of the person called or any member of his or her family or household.
  2. Cyber stalking is a gross misdemeanor, except as provided in subsection (3) of this section.
  3. Cyber stalking is a class C felony if either of the following applies:
    1. The perpetrator has previously been convicted of the crime of harassment, as defined in RCW 9A.46.060, with the same victim or a member of the victim’s family or household or any person specifically named in a no-contact order or no-harassment order in this or any other state; or
    2. The perpetrator engages in the behavior prohibited under subsection (1)(c) of this section by threatening to kill the person threatened or any other person.
  4. Any offense committed under this section may be deemed to have been committed either at the place from which the communication was made or at the place where the communication was received.
  5. For purposes of this section, “electronic communication” means the transmission of information by wire, radio, optical cable, electromagnetic, or other similar means. “Electronic communication” includes, but is not limited to, electronic mail, internet-based communications, pager service, and electronic text messaging.


Detention of 30 minutes - 2 hours to be assigned to be served - time and place to be determined.

Students will need to make arrangements to serve detentions at times determined by assigning teacher/administrator but within school days. If the student fails to serve detention time, Wednesday School, Friday School or in-school suspension may be assigned. Failure to do detention, Friday School or in-school suspension can result in withholding the report card or denial of registration for the next school year until detention is completed.


Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Use/Abuse Program

Electronic Devices

The presence and use of cell phones, earbuds, hand held games, or any other electronic devices is prohibited in the classroom. When entering a classroom all devices should be put away and silent until students leave the classroom. Students are responsible for securing their devices. If parents need to contact students, contact can be made through the office at 582-2158. Electronic devices are allowed in the hallways and commons areas during lunch, breakfast, and between classes.

Electronic may be confiscated by staff and placed in the office. Electronic devices will be held until the end of the school day and can be picked up after 6th hour. Parents will be notified and if needed devices will be held for parents to pickup.

Due to strict security requirements during state testing, cell phones/electronic devices in the testing area will be confiscated. Students are responsible for the devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property.

Food and Drink

Food is allowed in the classrooms only at the discretion of each individual teacher who is responsible for supervising cleanup.

Wednesday School

Wednesday School is the generally used method for dealing with most moderate range disciplinary incidents.

  1. Wednesday School hours are 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. 
  2. Students need to report to the office by 12:30 p.m. The Principal will schedule students for Wednesday School. If a conflict develops with the date, the Principal must be notified at least one day in advance. Students unable to attend Wednesday School due to illness will be rescheduled if the parent and/or guardian calls the school between 7:00 a.m. and 2:20 p.m. A medical verification may be required. A student who misses or skips Wednesday School will be assigned additional discipline, including but not limited to, having the time doubled or in-school suspension. Students who are sent home from Wednesday School for discipline reasons will receive an out-of-school suspension. 
  3. If the student fails to appear or bring adequate material to study, the student will be asked to leave and reassigned the original time plus equal additional time.

It should be noted that Wednesday School is an alternative to out-of-school suspension; however, failure to follow Wednesday School rules could result in immediate out-of-school suspension.


A gang is defined (RCW 28A.600.455) as a group of people (3 or more) who interact amount themselves; have identifiable leadership; take upon themselves an identity and or a group name; claim physical territory; and engage together in one or more forms of antisocial behavior and or criminal activity on a regular and ongoing basis. Student behavior, dress, signing, or symbolism intended to represent gang affiliation will not be tolerated on school grounds or at school sponsored events. These symbols change from time to time and include such items as hats, bandanas of any color, chain ornaments, clothing colors and styles, gang colors, use of hand signals, and symbols of affiliation. Other attributes that denote membership in a gang may include the presence of types of apparel, jewelry, accessories, graffiti, grooming and tattoos. Behavior on or about school premises or at school-sponsored events that creates conflict or an atmosphere of intimidation, creates a clear and present danger, disrupts the orderly operation of school or is deemed as such is prohibited. When an issue of concern is present, student(s) involved will be notified and asked not to display such symbolism again. Violation of this policy will result in discipline, suspension or expulsion. Such decision will be based upon knowledge of current practices and trends.


Students are to conduct themselves in a responsible and orderly manner while in the halls. Students are not allowed in halls during classes unless they have a hall pass.

Harassment Policy

Loitering - After School

Students should not be on campus after school unless they are under supervision by a member of the faculty/staff. Students who are not participating in school-sanctioned activities, i.e., sports, in detention, etc., are to leave the campus at the end of the regular school day unless working under staff supervision. Students who have open periods at the end of the day should leave campus after their last class.


River View High students, in general, have a reputation for treating their school very well. We should all take great pride and care to maintain our building in excellent condition.

When vandalism or destruction of school property occurs, the cost of repairing it will be charged to the person or persons responsible, if it is possible to identify them. When no individual culprit can be identified, the A.S.B. fund will be charged for the actual cost of repairs.

Vehicles - Rules of Use

Any student driving a motor vehicle to school must have a current, valid driver’s license with an appropriate endorsement and must have insurance.

In terms of student conduct rules, “possession” of alcoholic beverages, illegal chemical substances or opiates, firearms or a dangerous weapon shall also extend to a student’s vehicle. School officials reserve the right to search student vehicles, in the presence of the student, when deemed necessary. Refusal of search will result in a consequence matching the search conditions. Refusal to cooperate will result in loss of parking privileges.

The speed limit on school grounds is 10 miles per hour. Speed bumps have been installed in the high school parking lot for the purpose of controlling speed. Crossing a speed bump at excessive speed may result in damage to your car or tires. All student vehicles driven to school must be parked properly as the stalls in the parking lot indicate. Bikes must be parked in the bike rack. Bikes should be locked. Students who violate vehicle rules on school property may have their driving/riding privilege withdrawn. Students will use the high school parking lots only. Students may not park in the Ag area or in the middle school parking lots.



Students Rights and Responsibility Code


The following code sets forth the written rules and regulations of the Finley School District regarding student conduct, corrective action and rights, and it indicates the types of misconduct for which discipline, suspension and expulsion may be imposed. In addition to these rules and regulations, each school in the District may provide additional rules and procedures regarding student conduct and the administering of corrective action at that school.

This handbook is promulgated and distributed pursuant to Washington Administrative Code Chapter 180-40 which prescribes substantive and procedural due process rights of students. A copy of board policies and WAC 180-40 may be obtained from the Office of the Superintendent of the District.

This handbook is also in compliance with Public Law 101-2226, the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments. Compliance with standards of conduct is mandatory.

Part I - Student Rights

Part II - Definitions

Part III - Standards of Student Conduct

Part IV - Consequences for Student Misconduct

Corrective action is a logical consequence for student behavior in violation of district standards. All corrective action will be administered in accordance with the rules and regulations appearing in Part IV of this handbook. In general, most misconduct is minor and can be easily corrected with a mild reprimand or redirection. Repeated occurrences of the same minor misconduct may result in referral to the office. More severe violations of behavior standards will result in immediate referral to the office for corrective action.

Second or repeated violations of various school policies, rules, and regulations, are often of equal or greater concern than single violations. The cumulative effects of these acts may determine the form of corrective action imposed, including suspension and/or expulsion. The following steps and chart have been developed to inform students of the likely consequences for engaging in misconduct. However, students and parent/guardians should be aware that state regulations protect students’ rights by reserving to school authorities the power to modify prescribed consequences in cases involving extenuating or exceptional circumstances. Law enforcement officials may be informed in cases involving criminal conduct. However, appropriate corrective action may be imposed by the school regardless of the action taken or not taken by law enforcement officials.

Part V - Procedures for Imposing Corrective Action

Part VI - Emergency Actions

Part VII - Disciplinary Appeal Council - Appeal Process for Long-Term Suspension or Expulsion

Part VIII - Application for Readmission

Any student who has been suspended or expelled shall be permitted to apply for readmission to the district’s schools prior to termination of the imposed sanction. The application shall be in writing and sent to the principal of the school which the student would ordinarily attend. The principal may establish reasonable readmission conditions which are related to the student’s prior record of behavior. If the application is denied, the student or parent/guardian may appeal to the superintendent, whose decision shall be final.

Parent Information

Attendance Philosophy

The Finley School District cannot teach students who are not present. Absences of pupils from regular classroom learning experiences disrupt the continuity of the instructional process. Students who miss school experience difficulty in achieving the maximum benefit from school; regular classroom instruction is lost and cannot be entirely regained. The contact of the students with one another in the classroom and participation in well-planned instructional activities under the guidance of a competent teacher are vital to learning. Students who are absent interrupt the educational process of other students by disrupting the teacher who must provide special attention to the student who has been absent.

We expect high school students to be responsible for many of their own actions and capable of making reasonable decisions; therefore, attendance at school is the responsibility of students as well as their parents. The responsibility of the administration and faculty is to provide instruction and to inform parents of the absence from class. (School Board approval 7/15/85.)

Breakfast and Lunches

Both breakfast and lunch will be served each day:

  • BREAKFAST SERVED 8:44 A.M. TO 8:52 A.M.
  • LUNCH SERVED 10: 50 A.M. TO 11:20 A.M.

Finley School District participates in the National School Lunch Program/School Breakfast Program. School breakfast and lunch will be served during the school year. Each student will be issued a meal account.

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)

The Community Eligibility Provision allows schools with high numbers of low-income children to serve free breakfast and lunch to all students without collecting school meal applications. All Finley Schools have been approved as CEP schools starting in the 2020-2021 school year.

Finley School District may disclosure student name and meal status eligibility to Federal, State, or Local agencies as authorized by the NSLA (National School Lunch Act) without the consent of parent/guardian. In addition, parents or guardians may request release of information to other programs. Please contact the District Office for Consent forms.

Students must have funds in his/her meal accounts to purchase additional menu items.
Deposits to meal accounts can made to the school cashier or via the online eFunds portal.

Breakfast And Lunch Prices

  • 2nd Breakfast = $2.75
  • 2nd Student Lunch = $5.00
  • Adult Lunch = $5.00
  • Milk = $0.50

Bus Procedures and Discipline

Change of Address

Should you have a change of address or phone number, please report your new address and/or phone number to Mrs. Los in the high school office.

Closure of School

Closure of school due to weather conditions will be broadcast between 6:00 a.m. and 7:50 a.m. on KORD (102.7 FM) and KONA (610 AM).  Any school day lost because of closures must be made up at a later date.


The Counselor, Mrs. Duty, is available to assist you with school related or personal needs. She will give assistance in areas including career counseling and information, test information, registration, financial aid information and applications, college entrance, vo-tech training and a variety of other specialized areas. She will also provide a job service. All job openings received will be announced and posted. Career and vocational information is located in the library. In order to provide the best possible service to all concerned, students will be asked to schedule appointments with the Counselor through the high school office secretaries. Students are not to leave class to see the Counselor without an appointment and a hall pass. Students requesting a transcript, letter of recommendation or the signing of paperwork should give one week's notice.


Finley School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: 

Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator 
Rene` Cooper, Human Resource Specialist: 
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA  99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]

Gender-Inclusive Coordinator
Rene` Cooper, Human Resource Specialist:
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA  99337
Telephone Number:  509-586-3217
Email:  [email protected]

Section 504/ADA Coordinator 
Amy McLaughlin, Director of Special Programs: 
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA  99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]

Title IX Coordinator 
Bryan Long, Superintendent: 
Address: 224606 E Game Farm Rd., Kennewick WA  99337
Telephone Number: 509-586-3217
Email: [email protected]

Title IX inquiries may also be directed toward the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).  
You can report discrimination and discriminatory harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Civil Rights Coordinator, listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). For a copy of your district’s nondiscrimination policy and procedure, contact your school or district office or view it online here:

Sexual Harassment

Students and staff are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior or communication that is sexual in nature when:
  • A student or employee is led to believe that he or she must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communications in order  to gain something in return, such as a grade, a promotion, a place on a sports team, or any educational or employment decision, or
  • The conduct substantially interferes with a student's educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile educational or employment environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment:
  • Pressuring a person for sexual favors
  • Unwelcome touching of a sexual nature
  • Writing graffiti of a sexual nature
  • Distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures
  • Making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks
  • Physical violence, including rape and sexual assault
You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer, who is listed above. You also have the right to file a complaint (see below). For a copy of your district’s sexual harassment policy and procedure, contact your school or district office, or view it online here:

Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure

Electronic Information System (K-20 Network)

The district is connected to a statewide communications system (the K-20 Network) which provides Internet access and interactive video conferencing. This network allows unprecedented opportunities for students, staff and the educational community to communicate, learn, access and publish information. The resources available through this network and the skills that students will develop in using it are of significant value in the learning process and student success in the future. These new opportunities also pose many new challenges including, but not limited to, access for all students, age-level appropriateness of material, conservation of resources, security/privacy/confidentiality, and cost of maintaining the system. The district will endeavor to ensure that these concerns are appropriately addressed but cannot insure that problems will not arise. 

By connecting to this network, the district intends only to provide a means for educational activities and does not intend to create a first amendment forum for free expression purposes. The district dedicates the property comprising the network, and grants access to it by users only for the educational activities authorized under this policy and procedures and under the specific limitations contained therein. 

The Superintendent or designee shall provide training and procedures that encourage the widest possible access to the K-20 network by students, staff and the educational community, while establishing reasonable controls for the lawful, efficient and appropriate use and management of the system. Each staff member will annually sign a Computer Use Agreement (Form 2022A). All students will have computer access to the K-20 network system as part of their educational program. Students and/or their parents may opt out of access to the K-20 network system by signing a Computer Network Opt Out Agreement (Form 2022B).


A.S.B. cards $45; and lost/damaged school articles are set annually. Outstanding fees must be paid prior to the completion of the current school year. Fees outstanding will result in the holding of diplomas and/or transcripts and records until paid. End-of-the-year report cards will not be distributed to students who owe fines or fees nor will they be allowed to pick up their schedule or locker for the next school year.

Fire Drills

Fire drills at regular intervals are held as required by law and are important safety precautions. Students should familiarize themselves with Fire Drill Evacuation Plans posted in each classroom or activity area.

Health Services/State Immunization Regulations

Washington Law (RCW 23A.31.118) requires that all students MUST meet certain minimum immunization requirements, or they will not be allowed to enroll in school.

If there are medical, religious, or philosophical reasons why you should not be immunized, your parent/guardian must sign a waiver and present it to the school office. State health regulations require that each immunization be current upon entry into school.

State law also requires that high school seniors be notified that they are due to receive a booster shot of TD vaccine. 


Internet use is available to students. Inappropriate Internet use could lead to loss of access to the Internet and suspension from school. See Electronic Information System (K-20 Network) in this handbook for more information.


A hall locker is provided by the school for each student. If available, Seniors and Juniors will be assigned individual lockers while Sophomores and Freshmen will share lockers. Students are responsible for their assigned locker. Do not decorate the outside of the locker or put any tape, of any kind, on the outside of the locker. The lock is built in and must remain locked at all times. Do not place an external lock on your locker - it will be cut off. It is important that the office know at all times which students are in which lockers. Students MUST NOT trade lockers without first checking with the office.

Do not place illegal substances or items of a personal or private nature in your assigned locker. School officials may search a student's locker and seize any illegal materials. Such materials may be used as evidence against the student in disciplinary proceedings. Prior to a locker search, a student shall be notified and given an opportunity to be present at the search. If, however, school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the locker contains materials that pose a threat to the health, welfare, and safety of students in the school or the school environment, a student’s locker may be searched without prior warning.

Lost and Found

Personal belongings found in the school should be placed in the Lost and Found container in the boys’ and girls’ locker rooms, or the Main Office. It is each student’s responsibility to check the containers whenever an item has been lost by the student.


We do not have a school nurse. The Educational Service District provides our district with a nurse one day a week and we share that person with both the Elementary and Middle schools. 

Our school district is not required by law to provide for school staff to supervise students taking medication at school. We know, however, that in some cases a student who is under a physician's care must adhere to strict medication schedules. In order for school staff to administer medication, parents must do the following: 
  • Parents must fill out the appropriate form. 
  • A physician or dentist must fill out the appropriate authorization form. 
  • Medicine must be brought to school by the parents.
  • Medicine (prescription or non-prescription) must be brought to school in its original container. 
  • Prescription medicine should have the name of the student, the name of medication, dosage, mode, and time of administration and the name of physician. 
  • If a health professional and a student's parent request that a student be permitted to self-administer the medication , the Principal may grant permission after consulting with the school nurse. Consequently, the 26 process and documentation for a student to carry his/her own medication is subject to the same requirements as listed above. 
Be sure to notify the school of any specific medical problems which could require attention at school such as bee sting reactions, allergies, asthma, frequent nosebleeds, etc.


The office is open Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. except during school holidays and vacations. Our telephone number is 582-2158. Most people will be able to meet with the office staff on a “walk-in” basis; however, it is recommended that an appointment be made whenever possible.

Photography Non-Permission/Opt-Out

Classroom activities and school events sometimes are photographed, or video recorded for purposes of news media coverage or school publicity (newsletters, website, brochure, etc.). A non-permission/opt-out form is available in the high school office for students/parents who do not wish to be photographed for news media or school publicity purposes.

Report Cards, Progress Reports, Permanent Records

Progress reports are sent home approximately midway through each quarter to notify parents that a teacher is concerned about a student’s classroom performance. Some teachers also report normal or exceptional performance at this time. Parents are expected to sign and have students return these forms to the teacher. A progress report must be given by the teacher to any student who is failing at the half-way point in a quarter; however, a student may fail a class even though he or she did not receive a progress report. Questions regarding these reports should first be directed to the teacher who sent them, then the Counselor. The Principal will normally become involved at this point if concerns remain.

A permanent record is kept on file for each student. It usually contains a transcript record of classes taken, grades received, credits earned, test records, copies of progress reports, copies of disciplinary reports and a health record. Students and/or parents/guardians are welcome to review these records. This process may be facilitated by first calling the high school office and scheduling an appointment.

School Day

Our school day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 2:20 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, unless announced otherwise. On Wednesdays school begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. High School class periods are 56 minutes long and class breaks are 4 minutes long with 30 minutes for lunch. The high school has a six-period day. Alternate schedules may be used as the need arises (for pep assemblies, long lunches, etc.). All bell schedules are posted on the district website. 

Student School Insurance

Insurance, offered by a private firm, may be purchased through the school at a minimal cost. A form is available during fall registration which includes coverage and cost. Additional forms are available in the office. Parents and students are responsible for securing and completing all insurance forms.

Student Information – Release Thereof

Each year we provide a list of students’ addresses to the armed forces’ recruiters as well as to colleges and universities that request the information. Students who do not wish to be included on the list should contact Mrs. Los in the office to get an opt-out form.

Telephone Calls

The office telephone is a business telephone. Student use of the office phone is a privilege and is allowed only with permission from the office staff. Students must be courteous when using the office telephone. Disrespectful behavior on the phone or to office staff will result in loss of phone privileges. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO USE THE CLASSROOM TELEPHONES.


For a student to transfer from the Finley School District, the parent/guardian must notify the school office. A checkout form will be issued with faculty signatures required as the student returns assigned materials. Complete records will be sent upon written request from the district enrolling the student if all outstanding fines and other obligations have been met. The district will not send transcripts for students owing fines or fees.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian Qualifications


Our school encourages parents to visit their student’s classes; however, all visitors must register in the school office. No one will be allowed to visit a classroom or student during school hours without written permission from the Principal’s office. Such permission must be obtained in advance.


Chromebook checkout and use

Students and families have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of the Finley School District Chromebook checkout agreement. Lost Chromebooks or chargers will be subject to a fine.